Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Blogaversary to me!!!

Well... well... well... who would have thought I still would be doing this after my first post a year ago?

Not me!! But here I am 107 posts later. And while I can be pretty lazy with the timing of my entries and I probably won’t win any literary awards, I do think blogging has challenged me to be more introspective and has given me the creative outlet I so desperately needed.

More so than anything I am grateful for the chance to be a part of my community of talented blogger friends (Ginger, Lex, Jay, Nichole, Kenn and Rashad) who have made this site a much cheaper form of therapy. You “get” me and thank you for that. So for you and the other 3 people that read this nonsense do me a favor and let me know what some of your favorite posts were this year.

And please continue to comment. This is after all a purely ego driven endeavor so I need to know you are out there. And that you like me….you really really like me.



Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!

Papier Girl said...

congrats, my dear! you know my favorite post was the recent one about Sperm Shooters. I cannot tell you how many times i said "mmm hmmm" while reading it.


£ said...

congrats on a year well done :)

my favorite blog?


i'm with chubbs on the post titled "put up or shut up". I read that about 4 times, and everytime i tried to compose a comment, words failed me. but believe me, it was def thought provoking. I must thank you(and your friends) because sperm shooter(s) has now entered the LEXicon

£ said...

congrats on a year well done :)

my favorite blog?


i'm with chubbs on the post titled "put up or shut up". I read that about 4 times, and everytime i tried to compose a comment, words failed me. but believe me, it was def thought provoking. I must thank you(and your friends) because sperm shooter(s) has now entered the LEXicon. :)

Anonymous said...

Why am I not recognized!!!
