Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is this thing on???

First let me introduce myself.... I’m a 30 something “wonderment” woman trying to balance the world in one hand and my blackberry in the other. After some gentle prodding from a friend (thanks, Ginger), I have decided to join the masses and write my own blog. And while I pride myself on usually being highly progressive in my participation of cutting-age societal advances some concepts take a little longer to fully grab my attention. Let’s take the DVD for example. I resisted buying one for years. Why should I? Do you know how long it took me to build up my VHS collection??? If it wasn’t for the fab-o gift I got from my girl Heather I might still be watching Love Jones on a VCR. But while I may be slow to change my ways I quickly make up for it with semi-obsessive acceptance. So as a proud card carrying Netflix member I am ready to dive into the next wave of modern technological self indulgence.

So why blog? I guess because I can. And that’s the wonderful thing about the world we live in. We can do mostly anything we want to do. So this will be a new outlet for my creative self-expression. I will be writing this for myself, for those who love me and those that will learn to love me. These will be random rants, observations, the occasional poem or picture and other nonsensical writings. And while I will be unapologetically honest I may change the names of the innocent and stupid. Feel free to leave a comment and call me on my shyt if you must.

So here’s to self-discovery, silliness and sundaes (with cherries on top!)



Papier Girl said...

I fucking love it. couldn't said it better myself!

Anonymous said...

You are hysterical! This is truly good!
Love your show babe and hope to see you in the office again soon - or else, Coleman AND Olin are ALL MINE!!!