Wednesday, April 2, 2008

8 is the magic number...

well not really but it is the amount of questions to some cool surveys Ginger has tagged me to complete. It took me forever but I am returning the favor to Sheila, Haute , JJ , Jay and all my other friends lurking out there. I would love to know more about you!

8 Things I am Passionate About

1. Love. being in it...showing it to others
2. Fairness ..or my own sometimes skewed version of it (it's the Libra in me)
3. inquisitive mind wont ever stand still
4. My wanderlust...I want to be a citizen of the world
5. Chai Tea
6. Creativity in all forms..poetry, prose, art, fashion, music, dance
7. wherever I find it..nature, paintings, clothes, buildings, people
8. My own writing..most times i feel like its not good enough..but I'm learning to love it

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1. Live in Italy
2. Know what it feels like to be wealthy
3. Fall in love...stay in love
4. Have a book published
5. Travel to every continent
6. Live in a Victorian house with a wrap around porch
7. Know my purpose in life
8. Be at complete peace with every decision and choice I've made

8 Things I Say Too Often

1. WTF!
2. You are stupid!!
3. LOL
4. I was "like"..
5. Oh my Gawd!
6. I know...right?!?
7. Are you serious?
8. Sweetie

8 Books I Have Read Lately

1. The Alchemist
2. Eat, Pray, Love
3. The Lovely Bones
4. Love in the Time of Cholera
5. The Road
6. The Audacity of Hope
7. The New Earth
8. The Kite Runner

8 Songs (Artists) I Could Listen to Over and Over Again

1. The Blower's Daughter - Damian Rice
2. The Prayer - Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion or Heather Headley
3. Autumn Leaves- Eva Cassidy
4. She Keeps On Passing Me By - Pharcyde
5. This Woman's Work - Maxwell
6. Lost Without You - Robin Thicke
7. Closer - Nine Inch Nails
8. Half the Man - Jamiroquai

8 Things That Attract Me To My Friends

1. their ability to love me for who i am
2. courageousness
3. talent
4. pure silliness
5. beauty
6. authenticity
7. wit and intellect
8. sensitivity


Papier Girl said...

I knew you could do it! And, I see you cannot let go of Robin Thicke...he's a keeper though. I'm positive you'll find love and stay there...

redhotmama said...

ahh. damian rice. "the blower's daughter" reminds me now of the movie _closer_ which was hella depressing but i, too, love that song, but "volcano" gets put on repeat more.

J. J. said...

Can I do it here? since I am at work bored. It's 5:32AM, and I wanna do my "8 is the magic number" jawnt, right here in your comments section.

8 Things I [TRY TO BE] Passionate About:

1. Acting career
2. Maintaining a balanced, and fair view of life and the people therein.
3. Understanding God, out-of-bounds.
4. Kids
5. Spreading laughter
6. My family
7. Beauty (not necessarily of myself--that's too much pressure).
8. Wishing I were more passionate about 1-7

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1. Be a household name for something positive.
2. Know love, between man and woman.
3. Have a kid or two
4. Help someone overcome odds
5. Buy my parents a home
6. See my brother move out of my parents' home, before I buy them a new one.
7. Feel confident in my relationship with God
8. WORK in L.A.

8 Things I Say Too Often

1. Wooooow...
2. F'real?
3. Aw man...
4. Like
5. Sorry
6. G** Dammit! (Once is too many)
7. You know?
8. I'm jus' playin'

8 Books I Have Started to Read Lately (HA! Had to edit that one)

1. Dominion, by Calvin Baker
2. Heatwave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago, by Eric Klinenberg
3. Slow Burn, by Ebony Farashuu
4. Journey into Islam, by Akbar Ahmed
5. Tainted Destiny, by Cheril N. Clarke (completed)
6. Neglect, by Sharyn Rothstein (completed, because it's a play)
7. Ummm, the book of Exodus, by Moses
8. Souls of Black Folk, by WEB DuBois

8 Songs (Artists) I Could Listen to Over and Over Again

1. Thelonius - Common ft. Slum Village
2. La La La - Zhane'
3. When Doves Cry - Prince
4. LaFleur Leflah Eshkoshka - Heltah Skeltah ft. OGC
5. Chinese Cafe/Unchained Melody - Joni Mitchell
6. Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
7. Elsewhere - Sarah McLachlan
8. Heartstrings - Secret Garden

8 Things That Attract Me To My Friends

1. They laugh at my corny jokes!
2. Their sincerity
3. Flawfully human
4. They aspire
5. I laugh at their corny jokes
6. They exhibit awareness of spirituality
7. They're not after my riches :)
8. They're cool

asabi said...

AWWW..JJ thanks for blessing me with your 8 things right on my comment page. Let's all hope your brother moves out soon! And I do truely love your corny jokes xoxox

Haute in LA said...

Can you ever forgive me for taking soooo long?? Trouble sleeping again last night so I finally got it done! Enjoy. LOL!