Thursday, June 5, 2008

People I want to shoot: Volume 1

I want to shoot people that carry on lengthy slap your knee conversations with Bus drivers. Bus drivers who need to be concentrating on getting me to my destination safely.

And while we are talking about Bus drivers. I want to shoot the driver on the route b22 bus. She has been taking too many liberties with my life lately. With her precarious turns on ramp exits and her speeding across lanes on the freeway... she makes me crazy nervous.

She obviously can't be trusted to make superior decisions as she is a black woman who wears a white wig and fake white eyelashes. Where they do that at? I bet you a mojito her government name is Betty but she goes by Chantal or Diamond or some other signifier ghetto people quantify as unique and worldly. All that aside I'm sure there are plenty of people that will miss her if she were gone so let's hope she starts driving with some caution. Otherwise, I might have to turn her pretty little wig.. red.

Happy Friday!!!! :)


rashad said...

Look at you releasing your inner assassin

£ said...

lol i know right?

folks that talk to the bus driver like he(or she) is a long lost friend. shut up already. Not like they are talking bout nothing no how.

i mean i guess drivers need convo too, but its just so annoying to watch(and hear).

Anonymous said...

Turn her white wig red? That's not too passive aggressive. LOL