So I’m back from a little creative slump in the blogging department. That’s not to say there hasn't been any interesting things happening in my life. It's actually more of the contrary but I just haven’t had the energy to put those thoughts out to the world.
For those of you that may not know I have been pretty busy helping my sister n’ law Claudia get back in the country from Mexico. She has been detained there for several weeks with visa issues. Basically staying with strangers, she is in a small town outside of Guadalajara alone, away from her babies and those that love her most.
Until all of this happened I must say I was extremely ignorant of the immigration laws and all the political poppycock that goes along with it, but I'm quickly learning. I wont go into alot of detail but I will say that the laws and the people enforcing them seem to be extremely discriminatory against black and brown folks.
She went down there voluntarily to resolve a situation her parents should have taken care of when they brought her to this country as a baby. Married to my brother for almost seven years you would think she would have no problems becoming a US citizen but things have not turned out so easy.
The good news? Through contacts at the US Consulate’s office she was able to get an earlier visa appointment then her scheduled August 23rd date.
The bad news? They can still deny her re-entry and ban her for ten years. In the meantime I’ve been asking friends and family to write letters on her behalf pleading for her re-entry. I have been so very touched by the response and the concern I've received so far. You never really realize how big your circle is until you start to reach out and touch the sides.
So I ask to please keep the prayers coming for her July 7th appointment. And I’ll get back to trying to post on a regular basis.