Saturday, December 1, 2007

Crack is not so Whack

So says The United States Sentencing Commission. Crack cocaine offenders will receive shorter prison sentences under more lenient federal sentencing guidelines that went into effect last month.
Critics said it was unfair to apply longer sentences for crack cocaine than for similar substances, including powder cocaine. Under the current federal law, for example, the minimum sentence for possession of 5,000 grams of powder cocaine is 10 years, the same as the minimum sentence for 50 grams of crack cocaine. That wouldnt be such a issue except for the major racial deparity. Blacks make up more than 85 percent of federal crack convictions, according to the Sentencing Commission.

The good news is that the new guidelines are retroactive. So as many as 20k inmates will be able to apply for early release as soon as next year.
Hey Ladies...20k !!!!!!!!

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