Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pains, Drains and Automobiles

Going in to week 2 post surgery I'm realizing that pain will probably be my constant companion for awhile. Even with the morphine and valium and myriad of other drugs I've been taking to keep it at bay its still always here to a certain degree and I guess that's normal. And while I am a self described "pain wimp" I have had my share of experiences that maybe the average person wouldn't be able to handle. That includes child birth, hernia surgery, having all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled with just local anesthesia and having my right leg broken in 15 different places along with compound fracture.

I guess all those incidents have made me stronger to a certain degree but I still realize I have a very low tolerance for pain. And double mastectomy pain? well..not sure there are any words to describe it except to say it's been arguably the worst of them all.  I do realize that alot of it is emotional/mental pain at the thought of this new body cancer has so callously sculpted and there is no amount of morphine in the world that can heal that.

One bright note, if there is one is that one major source of pain was somewhat alleviated by "installing" a third drain on Friday because clearly life wasn’t interesting enough with just two tubes and grenades hanging from my body. Lucky for me my post surgical garments come with roomy pockets to fit all of them..fancy huh?

On a side note, I wanted to give big thanks to Tahisha, Beverly, Danielle, Nicole, Hector and Chamberlain for going out of their individual ways to get me to my doctor appointments and to all the friends who have been driving me around, running errands, coming to visit and bringing me food.  Looks like I will have at least 2 doctor appointments a week for quite awhile and probably wont be able to drive on my own for another 3-4 weeks so as absolutely annoyed that I cant be my usual independent self I will still have to rely on the kindness and availability of my friends.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the weekend and look out for a good news report coming soon. :)

Love and Light


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