Saturday, November 7, 2009

Joy Arises

as i am fixated
on the clock
the years
pass by
tick tock

try as I may to stop
the tears
drip drop

they fall still
drowning out his grace
but i'm deciding to instead

the fear
the sadness
the anger
and invite them to tea
cause we have no time
to be

tick tock
the years pass by
with or without enlightenment
drip drop
so scared the sky
is falling
when it really is just rain

is the only constant

so its time
to align
all words thoughts and actions
its time
to remove all disguises
forgive the infractions
of the past
and know that the present
is where real joy arises

from the ash
of our lesser selves


Thursday, October 29, 2009

God's Lent Child

I’ll lend you for a little while, a child of mine, God said
For you to love the while she lives and mourn for when she’s dead.
It may be six or seven years, or forty-two or three
But will you, till I call her back, take care of her for me?

She’ll bring her charms to gladden you and should her stay be brief
You’ll always have her memories as a solace in your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay, since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn.

I’ve looked this whole world over in my search for teachers true
And from the folk that crowd Life’s lane I have chosen you.
Now will you give her all your love and not think the labour vain,
Nor hate me when I come to take this lent child back again?

I fancy that I heard them say “Dear God, thy will be done.
For all the joys this child will bring the risk of grief we’ll run.
We will shelter her with tenderness, we’ll love her while we may
And for all the happiness we’ve ever known, we’ll ever grateful stay.
But should the angels call her much sooner than we’d planned
We will brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."

~ Author Unknown

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ode to a lost one...

I only cried once for you today.

I felt a ghost of a kiss
and opened my eyes
half expecting you to be there.

Will you be the same
when we meet again?

Or just a faint resemblance
of someone I use to know.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm back..sort of

So lets start this off slow.
Excuse me If this reads as one big ramble but its been so long since I've posted anything I have to figure out how to get my thoughts on screen back in order. I've even seemed to have forgotten my password. But I thought I'd try back at this whole blogging thing. I'm not quite sure why I had such a long hiatus but I think I was just a bit bored with living life and then reporting on living life so I just decided to just live my life. I had even given up on reading all my favorite blogs so I apologize to all my fabulous blogger friends I have months of reading to catch up on.

Ok that wasnt so bad. I guess I'll try it again soon.